Have you ever thought that you were gonna break?
Well, it's all part of a plan!
God is putting you through this trial to help you learn and/or to help you help someone else who struggles with the same thing!
How do you learn from a trial?
Well, there are multiple things you can learn through a trial, 1. That God loves you! 2. That you need God! Those are the ones I can think of off the top if my head!
How do we help others that struggle with this?
Okay, so say you have lost someone you love, well if a friend of yours loses someone close, you know how it feels, and know how to comfort them!
How do (should) I handle trials?
The bible tells us in 1 verse!
James 1:2 says: "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds."
I hope this shed some light on the subject of trials, This is a very small portion covering trials, if you want more info, ask me, or ask a pastor (they are probably a better option)
In Christ,